速報APP / 生產應用 / ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Pushkina 9-72 Koryazhma Russia 165653

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖1)-速報App

ISO-5167 Flow Rate Calculations is a mobile application for Android, intended for both experts in the field of automation and metrology, and students of technical specialties. It implements methods for calculating the flow rate of liquids, vapors and gases by measuring the differential pressure on primary devices as the substances pass through them.

These methods are regulated by the ISO-5167 standard and consider the following primary devices:

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖2)-速報App

- Orifice Plates

- ISA 1932 Nozzles

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖3)-速報App

- Long Radius Nozzles

- Venturi Nozzles

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖4)-速報App

The program accept some input parameters related to both the design of the primary device and the physical properties of the measured substance. Many water and vapor properties, such as density, viscosity, adiabatic index and so on are calculated automatically depending on the pressure and temperature of the measured substance.

The program consists of three main screens:

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖5)-速報App

- The first screen is for selecting the type of the primary device and the substance to be measured.

- The second screen is the main. It opens with pre-set data of a valid example. Here the user of the program can change any parameters of the primary device and the physical properties of the measured substance. Any changes in input data result in immediate recalculation or differential pressure on the device with unchanged flow rate or a change in flow with a constant differential pressure. It depends on the direction of calculation.

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖6)-速報App

The main calculations, however are the calculations of the flow at a given differential pressure or a derivation of a differential pressure at a given flow rate.

This screen also has a menu, where you can save the current calculation, open a list of saved calculations, rename and delete some.

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖7)-速報App

An initial correct calculation example can not be deleted and can only be saved under a different name.

If an error occurs when entering the device or substance properties, the program will notify with the pop-up window. The cause of the error can be seen in the report, in the third screen.

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations(圖8)-速報App

- The third screen is designed to provide a calculation order, displaying intermediate values, to show an iterative process, and output possible error messages.

This software uses the open-source IF97 water/steam properties library by Hummeling Engineering BV (www.iapws-if97.com).